Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Title says it all I should think. We're down to the last couple of days of school now and while waiting for a scanner to free up so I can continue to work I'll post something quick here. Surprisingly finals haven't crushed my spirit (artistically speaking) and I can't wait to be done so I can get going on some personal projects (and one piece esp. for SOI). Actually perused around for some previous winner of Society of Illustrators and found the results quirky- a lot of the pieces were phenomenal to say the least but others were part of a "Wait, what?" moment. Feels like friends and I could stand a chance with what we enter but I don't want to get too hopeful on that front. Mostly just want to produce a kick-ass piece. Will be updating here with my progress on the piece I have in mind. All I'll say for now is "The Exorcist" and expect thumbnails sometime tomorrow.

And yes, I know the thing at the top of this post is exceedingly....gross. Needs some fix ups but it's done enough now to turn in so we're moving onto other things .

Saturday, December 4, 2010


My sketchbook is killing me to say the least- due monday and I've been going at it all weekend. Never procrastinating that much again.
Either way some other things to take a look at:

(note- I suck at taking pictures, will get better ones when this piece is finished)
and a wip painting that's getting finished sometime tonight for Monday.