Currently at the Dayton Art Institute there is an absolutely stunning exhibition of Norman Rockwell's work. It's going to be there until February 5th 2012 so if you have the means I would highly recommend going. The Institute has on display a large collection of originals and all of the Saturday Evening Post cover sheets that ever featured Rockwell's work.
Now, I've been lucky enough to see and photograph two Rockwells at the Columbus Museum of Art (and I know they have several more hidden away in storage which I wish they would pull out).

But....the Dayton exhibit was very strict on their photography policy involving special exhibitions. As such I attended with my small digital with the mind set of "better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission". Being able to see the paintings up close and personal was inspiring and insightful (so, once again, if you are able I would highly recommend going) and my camera did it's best to sneak the occasional shot when no one was looking. My intent on posting the pictures I did manage to get is meant in no way to be commercial but rather educational- even though they aren't of the best quality.
And then some even blurrier shots (but they show his use of color pretty well so why not....)
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